Monday, August 28, 2006

Blast from the Past

So the past few weeks have sprung memories from back in the day.
I had an eye appointment, I always find those entertaining, yet nervewracking, because you hope that through-out all the little tests, your perscription comes out the same and not worse. But there's a test that puts little puffs of air in your eye to test for....I think glaucoma. Anyhoo, I always jump and it makes me start to laugh, I usually feel bad for the lady doing the test. And then when you sit in the cool chair, they have a mirror in front of you for different eye exams, but who can sit in front of a mirror - and not make funny faces? It's pretty entertaining, especially if you get caught by the doctor making a weird face. Mom reminded me that we had been doing these eye tests for 17 - I hated eye appointments back when I was wee small. It only meant eye drops....oh how I dispised eyedrops. I remember hearing a child screaming, looking down a hallway, and seeing a whack of people holding down a kid in a chair while they put drops in his eyes - I was next. Horror filled every part of me, and I too, was dragged to the chair, and since I was freaking out I needed a group to hold me down. Not to mention I had to look like a pirate for a few years wearing an eyepatch, but hey thankfully no one made fun of me for it.

Memory number 2, I went to the butcher shop to grab some hamburger meat for my mom. I hadn't been in a butcher shop is such a long time, and found myself smiling as the familiar scent met my nose. When we used to live in Cold Lake, we always got our meat from a little butcher shop that had a big round window. The owners were super neat people, and would
give us a bit of garlic sausage, and I would sit in the round window until we had what we needed and were off. I couldn't resist buying some pepperoni sticks, and they were great:) Hmm...maybe I'll work in a meat shop someday.

Mom's also repainting our upstairs bathroom, so we had to rip off all the wallpaper. When I was tiny, my Auntie Bonnie taught me how to rip off wallpaper when she was re-doing my grandparent's bathroom. So we took a picture for her.

Just a little look into the life of Jen for you all - kind of random, but just thought I'd share some thoughts.

1 comment:

Yours Truly said...

Hey Jen,
I went to the eye doctor the other day, and yes got the puffs of air, but I didn't jump. I thought of you when i looked in the mirror, but didn'tmake too funny of faces :)