Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The Christmas Holiday!

It's been a whirlwind of fun during this special season so far. Sadly, it is coming close to the end, but it has been pretty awesome.
I got home on the 12th, always good to be home and relax. A few days later, I was greatly excited to have some snow arrive along with the quite anticipated arrival of Jeff and Antonia. Their fight was a little delayed, so I had a little fun in the airport, met up with Santa and checked out mom's new office.

Dad and I continued on in our tradition of tree hunting, and I think we came out victorious again this year. It took us a while to find a good tree, I have to admit I was a little unsure of it even after we picked it - but it looked awesome after it was all decorated.

It's been so nice to hang out with family and friends. Scotty took Jeff, Antonia and I out shooting one day which was pretty sweet. Scott and Jeff both have pretty good shots, so I was fairly impressed.
Mike and Joel came out for a little less than a week to hang out, snowboard and do some sweet fun stuff on this island (even walking a dog). It was awesome having them out for the visit. We had some fun going up the mountain to tobogan and tube with a good sized crew of people, watching movies, relaxing, star gazing at the beach, and just hanging out. Time always flies by quick, but it was a blast.

And thus, New Years snuck up out of no where. Han and I were feeling fairly laid back on the big night, so we hung out at the Mansell's youth group party for a while and then bummed at my house for the turn into 2007. We watched a good brainless chickflick and had some good laughs. Crazy to think that we are starting into a brand new year. Exciting because you don't know what will come about, but I'm looking forward to seeing what will happen and what the Lord is going to do in my life, and the lives of those around me. Looking back throughout this last year, it's been rad to see His faithfulness in my life, in relationships, summer work, school, decisions, as well as the lives of people like my mom and providing her with a sweet new job. He is good!

My prayer for this new year, is that I will learn to really love people with the heart of Jesus, and that my relationship with Him will continue to grow deeper.
"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock eternal." (Isaiah 26:3-4)
I hope we will cling to His character, for He is good and trustworthy. I'm sure there will be many bumps along the way this year, but He is the solid Rock and foundation, and in that we have perfect peace. Happy 2007


Hanbanan said...

oh you awesome lady...woohoo, i can leave comments now when you are about 10 feet away from me...muahaha.

Anonymous said...

Hi!!! It was so enjoyable to spend time with your family this weekend. You are all incredible and were such a blessing to us!! :) You are all MORE than welcome in Oregon ANYTIME, seriously!!! Also, I was hoping to get Scott's email address so I can send a few pictures from the weekend, if he wants them. Thanks again for the amazing hospitality! Good luck with school and everything else! :) Lots of Love,

Cassie said...

Jenny! Looks like you had a great Christmas Holiday! I cant wait to see you in February!!!

Unknown said...

I'm not sure I would classify Christmas as a "whirlwind of fun", never the less it is a whirlwind. It's good to hear you had some swell times. Keep it real J-Dawg.

Anonymous said...

hey jenny nice bunny-hug! good to hear that you had a good christmas break. i'll phone you sometime.

Antonia Jacobson geb Oehm said...

Just read your blog.
Miss all of you loads and getting pretty nervous about the exam.Tomorrow morning at 9 (my time), so if you could pray for Gods words in my mind and for a calm heart...and also that tiredness because of the time-change would not kick in.
Miss you and thank you for such a special time!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jen!!
so glad to see you over the break, I look up fondly at the monopoly dog in the sky, and I'm glad I know why the moon is a flat half sometimes :)