Thursday, September 14, 2006

Life with my roomie......

Well, Hannah and I are very similar, and enjoy getting up to our own little fun.
For our friend Jade's birthday, we had planned to write him a song. As we strummed the guitar, no good lyrics came to us - so we decided that becoming super hero's to attack one of our fellow dorm gals would be a superb birthday present - so we captured it on video. All in all, it was a success, and I think it was a swell present. Plus Hannah loved the cape and outfit so much she wore it to her meeting later that night.

Last night our dorm took an excursion through the forest for a late night slurpee run. It was quite nice, minus all the sugar highs late at night. Han and I layed awake in our beds until she kicked the bottom of my bed and jolted it off it's bunkbed posts. Needless to say, when she jumped up later to lean on my bed, it shifted more and fell half off, shattering her bedside lamp. We were hysterical with laughter as I slowly climbed off the bed so it wouldn't all come tumbling down. We cleaned the glass, fixed the bed and then were tired out enough to fall asleep. Oh the life we live....


kathleen marie said...

oh yes! I love college/university it up, jen!

Cassie said...

Jenny, you sound like you are having a blast, wish i was there with you! you make me laugh! Glad to hear all is well
Love Ya

Jeff Jacobson said...

word sister! i'm glad you are settling in. having a good time, but you better work friggin' hard.

love you,

Yours Truly said...

Hey superhero!! great birthday gift!! Jade would be proud:) can I join the breaking club? (broke a big plate today)