Monday, September 05, 2011

A Realization

About 30 minutes ago, I was standing in my kitchen making a cup of tea.  As I swirled my spoon around, I began pondering about tomorrow and mentally preparing myself for the first day of school. I have had many 'first days of school' and I was shrugging off tomorrow as almost one in the same of the many I have already experienced.

It then dawned on me.  Tomorrow, I get to start off the first day.  I get to be the teacher, I begin my career.

Yes, I put down my spoon and mug and began to excitingly jump up and down throwing my hands up in the air (yes, I throw my hands up in the air sometimes, saying 'ayo').  Rika laughed at me as I screamed 'I get to teach tomorrow' over and over again.  I finally came to the realization that my dream was coming true.  After 20ish years of dreaming of becoming a teacher, tomorrow - the dream begins.


Jayme said...

so very proud. love you.

Wes said...

Wow. That is kinda an event isn't it? Perhaps some fanfare is needed?