Friday, May 11, 2012

Mothers are very special people

"Strength and dignity are her clothing,
and she laughs at the time to come.
She opens her mouth with wisdom,
and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.
She looks well to the ways of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness.
Her children rise up and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her."
Psalm 31:25-28

I've been meaning to post for a while...and have another post half written.  However, Mother's Day is indeed in need of a post, because I have an amazing mother.

For those of you who know my mother, you know what a gem she is.  She is a woman of prayer, and woman of love, who is continually giving of herself and blessing others.  She has taught me to trust and believe in the faithfulness of God, solely by the way she lives her life, and I am grateful to her for that.  She is my greatest confidant, and also the woman I fear most, because I never know when she will pop out of a closet or from behind my bedroom door and scare me to death.  

Mom, I love you. :)

Today, as I was sending my students out the door with their Mother's day cards and gifts, I wished some of the mom's 'Happy Mother's Day'.  On their way, one of the mom's also wished me a 'Happy Mother's Day' and then stopped a moment and asked, "Wait, do you have kids?"  I responded with, "Well...kind of...24 of them."  Lord willing, I look forward to being one one day in the future.  However, this time in my life, I'm quite content getting my fill of kids every day at school. 

I also had another conversation with some girls in my class today, who also seem to be in no rush to get married: 

"Happy Mother's Day Miss Jacobson."  
"Haha, well thank you."
"Do you have kids?"
"Are you married?"
Shocked face.
"I, when are you going to get married?"
"I'm going to go my whole life without a husband, and then I'll get one."
" you'll live life a bit before you marry."
"Wise girl.  What about you Cathy, how old will you be when you get married?"
"Hmm...probably 30."

All in all, this is my shout out and thank you to my mom, and all the other women in my life who have treated me as a daughter, and have given me their time, wisdom, and love.  Mom's are special people.  

1 comment:

Mom said...

I am so blessed to be a Mom, especially to three amazing young adults - Scott, Jeff and Jen...thank you for being you!