Sunday, July 02, 2006

My Roomies....
A while ago, I broke my digital camera. So I finally looked at my old picture card today, cuz I haven't looked at it in ages, and was pleasantly surprised to find some fun pictures from a Nanaimo adventure with Cas and Terri. I sure do miss all my roommates, they're some pretty rad gals. We always have fun no matter what we do, and we often found some really random stuff to do. (Sarah, Alanda, Larrissa, Cassie, me, Terri)

Our shopping extravaganza....

Cascade and I found a wonderful treasure at Cosco - a whole stack of nutella!

Then we found some sweet headbands, which we later part of our cheerleading uniforms.

And Terri can spot Tom Brady a mile away, just like she spotted his patriot jersery's.

And these were the barbies (identical repicas of ourselves) which we sent down the raging river at Capernwray... it was an intense ride, they almost didn't make it down alive.


Cassie said...

man i forgot about the tom brady and nutella date, that was so much fun, Jenny i miss you tons i cant wait to come down for a week, those barbies, wow... i wonder if cristina still has her mobile she made :S YIKES... that was a little creepy, well thank you for that little moment back in time :D

Rachelle Undershute said...

Hey, I remember that day... I took that last picture! Fun times with you girls. Loved seeing you a few weeks ago Jen! I hope you come visit more. Try to get away from school next year too to come and visit. Talk to you later!!

P.S. Now Terri needs a blog!!