Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Stormy days...

Quick break in my day at work.

Somehow, that blue sky and sunshine has disappeared behind a veil of grey. The winds have picked up, the rain has fallen, and all I can do is hope that thunder and lightning appear.
I'm dreaming that I can take off from work, sit by the stormy ocean and then return home to a hot cup of tea and a good book.

I feel like I've jumped into the future...and that I am now enjoying a winters day.
Goodbye summer (well, at least for today).

Oh I'm a-loving that storm...


Keltie and Phil said...

It was a lovely stormy day... I too hoped for thunder storms. But alas the sun is shining again. Hello summer....

Joy said...

I enjoyed the same thing almost empty school, a view of the black stormy sea, and thunder and lightning overhead. God is GREAT!