Friday, December 01, 2006

Living in a Christmas Dream...
This weekend, Trinity has been hosting the first annual 'Spirit of Christmas' celebration. It's been hustling and bustling around campus with busyness this week, but it looks beautiful. Tons of lights, Christmas trees, and snow creations scattered around.

In our Student Building they have a row of Christmas trees for different departments and groups, so its fun to see the variety of decorations.

The school also has a living nativity scene, where we were guided around part of the campus to experience the Christmas story. I was actually pretty impressed and enjoyed it quite a bit. Especially because they had animals at the end by the stall where Mary, Joseph and Jesus were. Hannah loved the donkey, but I loved the llama. My new friend named Leonard. He was the funniest thing ever, such an interesting face that kept me laughing. It took us a while to snag a good photo of us together. At a moment we even locked eyes and stared straight at each other, pretty special.

There are some pretty impressive snow creations around of my favorites is this beaver. He even has a large tree branch stuck in his teeth.

This is also an igloo that was built by Hawaiian Chris...he's definitely enjoying the snow, and even slept in it for the first night. Han and I enjoyed sitting in it, but had an unfortunate experience with a young fellow who was at the Christmas celebration. It involved Han getting an iceball in the face and us shoving snow down his back...we made it out alive which is good.


lo said...

hey jen!!
I just checked out your blog... and then all the links to your "friends" that I know too.. and found myself laughing and crying and giggling a million times. thankyou for leaving a comment... and for leading me here. I was stinkin blessed by the visit. I miss home a lot tonight... and all the wonderful's that made up each day. It was fun to catch up with you and so many others... my heart is happy. So gald you are lovin trinity too! Looks amazing! I hope you christmas is amazing!Loves... "to know HiM more!"

Yours Truly said...

fun animals!!