Tuesday, September 26, 2006

A Little Side Note in Jen's Life:
So, due to the large amount of encouragement by Mr. David Moore (my boss during the summer), I've taken the initative of joining the Trinity Western Novice Rowing Crew. Who would have ever guessed that I'd be trying that out? Especially since it means 4:45am mornings...now that's early. So far, I haven't been killed by the early hours, thankfully I can come back and sleep for a bit before class. So it's a new adventure that I shall keep you updated on... (and no, that's not our team in the photo)


Cassie said...

WHOA JENNY... that is EARLY!!!:S good on ya! i couldnt do it,... and no offence but we had a lazy cabin, getting up 5 min before breakfast... never would have thought... you amaze me!! Love ya jenny, hope to hear more about this great adventure!!!

Yours Truly said...

You're officially cool now ;)

(Love ya whether your cool or not.)