A Perfect Weekend Rendezvous...
So a dream came true, and us four gals were reunited this past weekend, and it was amazing. It was made up of continous laughter, games, movies, relaxing, eating, wrestling, tickling, lack of sleep, lots of talking and just basic 'us' stuff.
I flew out 2 hours late on Wednesday night, but was greeted by the beautiful smiling Larrissa. We went back to her place to grab a few hours of sleep before we woke up and go grab Terri at 5:45am from the bus. We figured we would get more sleep afterwards, but since Ter was wired, we decided an early morning coffee date at Starbucks would be better. Cassie met us at the mall later that afternoon. The anticipation of waiting to be all together again was intense, but the moment we were all together it was as if we'd never been apart.
So the first night we ate pizza and watched a movie and tv. Larry had to work for a bit on Friday, so we just hung around and played with silly putty (thanks to Cas, who also treated us to some sweet bouncy balls!). Larrissa's employers also allowed us to have their fantastic cabin out past Banff for the weekend, so we gals loaded up in the car and took off into the mountains.
But first, we had to stop for cheesecake. Cassie can eat normal foods again:) So we loaded up on some sweet treats.
After trying to break into the wrong cabin, and finally getting into the right one, we checked out our 'home' for the weekend and fell in love with the place. It was like a dream come true, escaping the 'world' to a little town in the mountains, and having nothing else to do except hang out together. So we played games every night while cooking dinner, watched a whack of movies, went through lots of Cassie's bridal magazines, and did some random stuff.

Saturday, we had a nice sleep in. Terri and I had been up late practicing our bed diving jumps, so the sleep was well needed. Cassie burst into our room in the morning to tell us we were 'surrounded' by mountain goats. We were pretty excited to see a ton of them all around the cabin, Ter and I tried our best to get some by throwing rocks, but somen goats with the massive horns scared us away.
We took a nice walk around town, there wasn't much to see and pretty much everything was closed, but the view of the mountains and the fresh air was awesome.
We decided to celebrate Christmas early so we could share it together. We found a classic, Charlie Brown style tree, and decorated it while singing some christmas carols, and then took a family photo.
It was sad to wake up Sunday morning and realize that we had to head back to Calgary. So we jumped back into the car and took off. The drive was beautiful, through the snowy mountains. Once back in Calgary, we pretty much went to the airport to check me in.
Cam was able to come and pick Cas up so we were all able to see him again which was such a cool bonus. He treated us to a yummy lunch, took a picture of us with a cool cowboy, and then I headed on the plane back to school.
It was so encouraging to be with these girls again, to have their friendship with no expectations that allows us to be exactly who we are. It was also really good to catch up and to talk about the things we are dealing with in our lives right now, and to encourage each other and be reminded of God's truth and how it applies to us. I am so thankful that this reunion idea actually came together. Thanks Larrissa for putting up with us all;) Like Cassie said, God really knew what each of us needed, and the weekend definitely was a refreshing holiday, in more ways than one.
A good friend is a connection to life - a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world.
~Lois Wyse