Monday, June 25, 2012

What Do Human Beings Need To Survive? 

- A Seven-Year Olds' Perspective - 

Perhaps with school ending in a few days (*fist pump*), my posts will revert back to my own personal thoughts rather than comical stories from the classroom.  Or perhaps not.  But until then, here's one more...

We were discussing the differences between 'needs' and 'wants' of human beings.  The students were giving great examples of things they might want, and then we began making a list of the basic needs that all human beings need to survive.  

The answers we were shooting for were: air, water, food, clothing, shelter and space.

At this point once all these were written on the board, I felt like our list was complete and we could move on.  Then another hand shot up.

boy hand up"Human beings need God."

Alright, I momentarily freeze as I begin processing how to proceed with such an answer, so...yes, according to my perspective and this 7 year old child, I would definitely agree with his statement. However, we are in a public school so this is a bit of a tender issue.

My response... " we really need God or want God?"

I remember mentally shaking my head as I asked this question...duh - dumb question, of course human beings 'need' God, but technically I was just looking for the 6 things on our list that fit into the curriculum, and God wasn't on there.

His response, "We NEED God."

I stand corrected.  While this particular student would not be one that I would put into the 'Christian' category due to his daily antics, I am thankful for little moments like this when such tidbits of truth sneak their way into life.

To sum up, human beings actually need seven things to survive, and God is number one.