Friday, December 16, 2011

It's Christmas Time!

I can hardly believe that it is Christmas time and that the school year is wrapping up for the break.  It is delightful :)

I have absolutely loved this time of the year with my kids.  We have had a blast writing to Santa, making snowflakes, creating snowmen, and doing 'The Grinch Who Stole Christmas' as a Readers Theatre for the parents.  Tomorrow, I get to be in with the kids and we are having a sweet fun-filled day of Christmas fun.  I'm stoked.

The whole believing in Santa deal has been a bit of a conversation topic in the classroom these days.  While I was working with a small group of kids earlier this week, I overhead one of the kids say to another student,
"How dare you say Santa isn't real!  How dare you say Santa isn't real!"

I shook my head and hoped the question would never be directed at me.  However, the next day, it came...
"Miss Jacobson, is Santa Claus real?"

Um...alright, inside my heart even I still want to believe in the Christmas magic of Santa.  Nevertheless, some people consider telling children that Santa exists is a horrific lie.  Thus I responded with, "Well, what do you think?"  He obviously responded with, "Yes", and I said "There you go!"  And he seemed content with that, thankfully.

Later in the week a special delivery of cold letters from Santa, with glitter and snow, arrived at the school for the kids, I think they all were convinced he is very much real, and that makes me happy.

I am collecting an excellent repertoire of comical stories.  The students never cease to make me laugh out loud, shake my head, or make me scream inside.  In short, I successfully dealt with my first vomit situation, learned about following recipe instructions so that Science experiments work properly, and that I need to remind my class more than once then importance of being kind to each other.  Every day is a fresh start to something unexpected, and I love it.

Very Merry Christmas to you if you are reading this.  I plan to provide an update of something other than the teaching portion of my life.  I assure you all is well and I am enjoying life :)  God is good.

Until next time...