Thursday, May 10, 2007

My Life in Picture Format...
Basically, it's been pretty crazy since being home. So I'm just gonna put pictures up and not say much. Warning: There are a lot of pictures. If you don't feel like reading or looking, no worries at all - but for those of you who care about the adventures of my you are;)
The weekend I got home, Cas and Cam were our with their youth at the Capernwray Youth Retreat so I drove down for a visit.They're an extremely attractive couple. I told them this would be a good picture for their wedding invitations. I hit up my favorite beach, sadly it sprinkled rain a bit - but the sun is finally out now.Caught up with Lindsay Loo - she surprised me by dying her hair a dark brown. But all for good reason, considering she's taking off to Peru until the end of June - and this way, her crazy blonde hair won't make her stick out as much.
I've been blessed to return back to work at ACTS (Africa Community Technical Service) for the summedr. My 'portable' desk was already awaiting me when I came in.My desk:)I was pretty stoked to see Michelle and Joel singing in their choir from Prairie. So I took a picture with 'them' on their poster.A week later I got to see the live show. And they were fantastic:) I was definitely impressed with the singing, but especially the people.Christina was visiting for the weekend, which was ridiculously awesome. We definitely had some sweet laughs, especially when mom took her and I on a police chase as we became 'cops' and followed a suspicious driver before informing the police.
We had Keltie's stag last weekend. This is the 'before' shot while I'm talking to Terri for clues as to dress up in 80's style for the party.
I pretty much fell in love with the comfort of 80's clothing.I bought a classy gold belt, and some nice pink clothes. My cabin N girls might be surprised at my color choice;)
All the girls looked pretty attractive, especially Rachel's green bangs.
Pina Coladas (non alcoholic of course) are sooo good.The 80's gang.
The next day we had the last Bridal shower for Keltie, sporting our sweet wedding ballcaps.
Lindsay and the Rachel's eagerly watching the gifts being ripped open.
Keltie didn't think my card was that cool.Yesterday, Jade-o and I roadtripped down to Capes for their commencement.Sitting with Candace during the ceremony.
With Sarah:)
Funny Faces
A most excellent bunch of people
(Jeff, Stu, Arron, Jared and Sarah)
Alissa, Anna, Sarah and Laurel
Old Roomies - we miss you Ter, Cas and Larry. Do ya miss Alanda's classic 'extended lower jaw' smile?

Life has been good lately, and its been wonderful catching up with some of my favorite people - it's just keeping me busy. Thanks for reading...